Unite our Bravest

Stop the Left

Save America

About Us

As a 501(c)4 organization , America First Veterans, also known as "A1 Vets" or “A1 Veterans & First Responders Inc.”, is a political organization that drives coordinated campaigns, endorsing candidates, and empowering the grassroots America First movement to defeat the leftwing takeover.

Seeking an Endorsement?

You’ve knocked doors, phonebanked, and held multiple forums to get your name out there. A1 Vets brings real people and power for your campaign to tap into. Seek out an endorsement today by filling out our endorsement request form.

Veterans First

Too long have we sat idly by while our elected leaders direct hard earned money to causes and foreign countries over the wellbeing and quality of life for those who took an oath to protect their neighbors and communities. Enough is enough.

Make a donation.

A1 operates on the generosity of our donors that help support our mission of Saving America and putting America First candidates who prioritize legislation that empowers citizens who have taken an oath to protect their neighbors.



The America First Veterans' & First Responders Inc. is a 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to empowering and mobilizing veterans, police officers, firefighters, correctional officers, EMTs, and other first responders who believe in putting America and its communities first. We are committed to electing strong America First candidates at all levels of government who will prioritize the needs of those who have sworn an oath to serve and protect.

About Us:

America First means always putting the interests and security of the United States and its citizens before those of other nations. It means having a strong military, secure borders, fair trade deals that benefit American workers, and a foreign policy that avoids unnecessary conflicts. It means restoring American manufacturing, becoming energy independent, and reducing our reliance on foreign supply chains. Most importantly, it means listening to the forgotten men and women of America and giving them a voice in their government once again. 

Our service taught us the value of protecting our nation's future, and your vote is crucial in ensuring we uphold those values. A1-Vets works tirelessly to identify, recruit and support America First candidates who embody these ideals and who will be champions for our nation's veterans and first responders. We drive coordinated grassroots campaigns to get these patriotic public servants elected. 

We are proud to fully endorse President Donald J. Trump in his 2024 reelection campaign. President Trump has been the greatest advocate for putting America First that this nation has ever seen. He has stood up to the DC establishment, secured our border, rebuilt our military, renegotiated unfair trade deals, and put America back on the path to greatness. We look forward to doing everything in our power to help reelect him as our President for four more years. 

With the backing of veterans across the country, A1-Vets leads the charge to defeat the radical left-wing takeover of America and restore this great nation we all took an oath to defend. We never stop fighting for those who risk everything to keep us safe. Together, we put America First again.