Are you ready to save America?

It all begins with you.

America First Veterans Policy Priorities for Candidates seeking an endorsement are:

  1. National Security: Supports a strong national defense, secure borders, and policies that prioritize the safety and interests of the American people.

  2. Military Strength: Advocates for robust military funding, advanced equipment and training, and improving quality of life and veterans' benefits to maintain a highly capable and motivated fighting force.

  3. Veterans Affairs: Committed to fixing problems in the VA system, reducing wait times, increasing access to mental health services, and ensuring veterans receive the high-quality healthcare, education, and job opportunities they have earned.

  4. First Responder Support: Backs policies and funding to ensure police, firefighters, EMTs and other emergency personnel have the resources, training, and support they need to protect our communities. Opposes efforts to "defund the police."

  5. Law and Order: Stands firmly behind law enforcement and the rule of law. Supports tougher penalties for violent crime and drug trafficking. Opposes policies and rhetoric that undermine respect for police and first responders.

  6. Immigration Control: Favors strong border security, expedited deportation of illegal immigrants who commit crimes, and reforms to limit illegal immigration and prioritize entry for those who support American values and bring needed skills.

  7. America-First Trade and Economy: Backs renegotiating trade deals that harm American workers, strengthening Buy American requirements, bringing back manufacturing jobs, and putting America's economic interests first in tax and regulatory policy.

  8. Energy Independence: Supports unleashing American energy production, including oil, clean coal and natural gas, to reduce reliance on foreign energy, create jobs, and keep energy prices low for families and small businesses.

  9. Foreign Policy Realism: Favors a foreign policy that avoids unnecessary intervention, focuses on defeating terrorism, and puts American interests and security first. Willing to get tough on China and other adversaries to protect American jobs and industry.

  10. Preserving American Heritage: Stands up for traditional American values, history, and institutions. Opposes the "woke" left's attacks on the nuclear family, faith, the flag, and the founding ideals that generations of veterans and first responders have sacrificed to preserve.

A1 Vets will back candidates who demonstrate a strong commitment to these America First principles and who have a credible plan to translate them into tangible policies that benefit our nation's heroes on the front lines at home and abroad. We will rigorously evaluate their experience, record, and character to identify true America First champions worthy of our endorsement and grassroots support.





Save America ✶ Restore Greatness ✶