Should Congress Merge the Armed Services & Veterans' Affairs Committees?

We can all agree on how fed up we are with the lack of funding committed to the wellbeing of American citizens and those who have taken an oath to protect our freedoms. As we approach Memorial Day weekend, a time when our nation comes together to honor the sacrifices of our fallen heroes, I am painfully reminded of the millions of taxpayer dollars sent to foreign nations over the well-being of our service members and veterans. As the Chair of the New York Committee for America First Veterans & First Responders (A1), I believe that it's time for ambitious action. That is why I am proposing to merge the U.S. House & Senate Armed Services and Veterans' Affairs Committees.

Memorial Day is a solemn occasion that reminds us of the true cost of war. It is a time when we pause to remember those who have given their lives in service to our country and to reflect on the ongoing struggles faced by our veterans. It is also a time when we must ask ourselves whether we are doing enough to support those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom.

This proposed merger of the two Committees would be considered a bold move that would create a single committee responsible for overseeing both the deployment of our troops and the care of our veterans. By combining these two crucial aspects of military decision-making, we can ensure that the full cost of war is carefully considered before putting our brave men and women in harm's way.

The Armed Services Committee, heavily influenced by defense contractors and other industries that stand to benefit from military action, often focuses on the immediate needs of the military without fully considering the long-term impact on our veterans. Meanwhile, the Veterans' Affairs Committee struggles to secure the necessary funding and resources to provide our veterans with the care and support they need.

With this proposal, we can force members to confront the full spectrum of military action from deployment to long-term care. It’s my strong belief that a balanced approach would lead to more informed and responsible decision-making, ensuring that the true cost of war is fully understood and accounted for. It would also help to address the declining membership and influence of traditional veterans' organizations, amplifying their voices and ensuring that the needs of our veterans are heard loud and clear in the halls of Congress.

As we honor our fallen heroes this Memorial Day weekend, I call on Congress to recommit ourselves to supporting those who have, and more importantly, have not returned home from battle. A1, an America First public policy forward organization, strongly believes that the proposed merger of the Armed Services and Veterans' Affairs Committees is a necessary step towards ensuring that the true cost of war is fully considered and that the needs of our veterans and their families are given the priority they deserve.

I urge Congress to act on this proposal and to work towards creating a more balanced and accountable military decision-making process. Let this Memorial Day weekend serve as a catalyst for change, a moment when we come together as a nation to honor the sacrifices of our service members and veterans and to build a better future for all those who have worn the uniform.


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