Expand Affordable

Housing for Veterans


To ensure that all veterans have access to safe, stable, and affordable housing, providing them with the opportunity to lead dignified and productive lives.


To enhance access to affordable housing for veterans through comprehensive reforms, targeted policies, and strategic partnerships.


  1. Increase the availability of affordable housing for veterans.

  2. Ensure student veterans have access to affordable housing.

  3. Prioritize veterans in affordable housing programs.

  4. Restore and expand senior housing subsidies to benefit elderly veterans.

Strategic Initiatives

1. Reform US Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Rules and Regulations

Objective: Align HUD policies to better support veterans' housing needs.

  • Policy Review and Reform: Conduct a comprehensive review of HUD regulations to identify barriers to veteran access and propose necessary reforms.

  • Veteran-Specific Provisions: Incorporate provisions in HUD policies that specifically address the unique needs of veterans, including mental health and accessibility requirements.

  • Interagency Collaboration: Strengthen collaboration between HUD, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and other relevant agencies to streamline support for veteran housing initiatives.

2. Amend Exclusion of Student Veterans from Affordable Housing Programs

Objective: Ensure student veterans have access to affordable housing.

  • Policy Advocacy: Advocate for legislative changes to amend the exclusion of students from affordable housing programs, granting an exemption for student veterans.

  • Awareness Campaign: Launch an awareness campaign to inform student veterans about their eligibility and the resources available to them.

  • Dedicated Housing Programs: Develop affordable housing programs specifically for student veterans, providing tailored support to meet their needs.

3. Prioritize Veterans in Affordable Housing

Objective: Ensure veterans receive preference in affordable housing built using federal subsidies.

  • Veteran Preference Policy: Implement a policy requiring that any affordable housing projects funded by federal subsidies give preference to veteran applicants.

  • Monitoring and Enforcement: Establish mechanisms to monitor compliance with the veteran preference policy and enforce penalties for non-compliance.

  • Collaboration with Developers: Work with housing developers to ensure they understand and implement veteran preference policies in their projects.

4. Restore and Expand Senior Housing Federal Subsidies

Objective: Ensure elderly veterans have access to affordable senior housing.

  • Policy Restoration: Advocate for the restoration of federal subsidies for senior housing, with specific provisions to benefit elderly veterans.

  • Subsidy Expansion: Expand existing senior housing subsidies to increase the number of available units for elderly veterans.

  • Support Services: Integrate support services such as healthcare, counseling, and transportation assistance into senior housing programs for veterans.

5. Increase Affordable Housing Availability

Objective: Expand the supply of affordable housing units available to veterans.

  • Incentives for Developers: Offer tax credits, grants, and other incentives to developers who build affordable housing units designated for veterans.

  • Public-Private Partnerships: Foster partnerships between the government, non-profits, and private sector to fund and develop affordable housing projects for veterans.

  • Land Use Policies: Advocate for local and state land use policies that support the development of affordable housing, including zoning changes and expedited permitting processes.

6. Comprehensive Support Services

Objective: Provide holistic support to ensure veterans can maintain stable housing.

  • Case Management: Implement case management services to assist veterans in navigating housing applications, accessing benefits, and securing employment.

  • Financial Counseling: Offer financial counseling and education to help veterans manage their finances and avoid eviction.

  • Mental Health and Wellness: Provide mental health and wellness services to support veterans in maintaining stable housing and overall well-being.

Implementation Timeline

  • Year 1 (2024): Focus on policy advocacy and reforms, including HUD rule changes and amendments for student veteran inclusion.

  • Year 2 (2025): Implement veteran preference policies, restore senior housing subsidies, and launch awareness campaigns.

  • Year 3 (2026): Expand affordable housing availability through developer incentives and public-private partnerships.

  • Year 4 (2027): Enhance support services, including case management, financial counseling, and mental health programs.

  • Year 5 (2028): Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of all initiatives, making adjustments based on data and feedback, and scale successful programs nationwide.


Improving access to affordable housing for veterans requires a coordinated effort that includes policy reforms, targeted support services, and strategic partnerships. By implementing this strategic plan, we aim to ensure that all veterans, including student and elderly veterans, have the opportunity to access and maintain affordable housing, contributing to their stability and well-being.